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EEchain Optronics Corp.
6F., No.105 Lide St., Jhonghe District 235 NEW TAIPEI CITY TAIWAN
Best view 800x600
Company | Worldclean Industrial Co., Ltd | TEL | 886-7-8152177 | FAX | 886-7-8157663 | E-MAIL | world.clean@msa.hinet.net | WEB SITE | www.worldclean.com.tw | CONTENTS | We are Worldclean Industrial Co., Ltd, a company that specializes in aluminum anodizing & surface finish Turnkey equipments
Our scope of service classification is as below:
1. The turnkey plant and equipments of aluminum & aluminum alloy anodizing.
2. The sand blasting surface treatment machine for aluminum and aluminum alloy.
3. The process and equipment of Electrophoresis(Elecyronic Deposition)
4. The process and equipment of metal surface treatment and plating turnkey line.
5. The process and equipment of various kinds of chemical membrane
6. The automation design and construction of surface treatment.
7. The various productions of chemicals & formula processing.
8. DI water treatment, waste water treatment, and fume treatment equipments.
9. The anti-corrosion construction & piping
10. Surface finishing for customer | PRODUCTS